Fantasy Battles
Top 5 Coolest Male Characters
Top 5 Coolest Female Characters
Chrono Cross Cult of Kefka
My E-Mail
So you’re a thief too, huh?
Well, specifically I’m a materia thief, but generally, yeah, I’m a thief
Well, then you forgot the first rule of thievery. Always be careful. This look familiar?
My materia! In that case Mr Cole, you should know the second rule of thievery. Never leave yourself open when you steal. Does this look familiar?
My wallet! You’re gonna pay for that!
Oh, I think your wallet can pay it for me, hee hee!!
(Locke tries to steal his wallet back, but was unsuccessful)
Hmph, you’re pretty good, kid
Of course, Yuffie is always number one!
Well, we’ll see how you fare in combat
(Both of them trade numerous blows, but after a while it comes to a stalemate)
Hey Mr Cole, who’s this Rachel?
She’s my...hey, how do you know her?
Her name’s on this handkerchief I just stole from you
What! Give it back!! It means a lot to me!!!
Hmm...considering we’re now in a stalemate, how bout if you concede, and I’ll give you back your precious little handkerchief
Alrighty!! Heehee!!
(Yuffie hands over the handkerchief, and as Locke takes it he lands a solid punch on Yuffie that knocks her unconscious)
Sorry rookie, you forgot number twenty three. Never trust anyone
The Winner:Locke Cole